Brad Bush
Carnegie Technologies
Smart Regions Scale the Impact of Connected Communities
It can feel challenging or even impossible to efficiently plan, budget, provision, build and manage smart towns and cities. With very few experts available, we are still at the early stages of what is possible when we sense the world around us. When towns and cities work together on regional efforts, they share risk and continually learn from each other, while also positioning themselves for more cost-efficient buys from suppliers and service providers.
Big cities have natural scale, and big cities can serve as a “hub” for regional initiatives. With a larger tax base, larger municipalities have bigger staffs and more resources to work with and can afford to experiment with department-driven projects, including improvement of public safety and health.
Their experiences create templates that can be adapted by smaller towns and cities, and regions that have long cooperated when it comes to basics like the maintenance and management of shared roadways, shared energy and utilities, shared communications networks, and other assets which citizens and data traverse.
Smart Region initiatives are gaining momentum given that it makes sense to bring multiple communities, planners, engineers, utilities and financial partners together to build alliances that leverage the scale and testing capabilities of a larger whole.
In his talk, Brad Bush, Chief Strategy Officer and head of IoT initiatives at Carnegie Technologies, will share a vision for “Smart Regions” including case studies and models for practical, sustainable planning and execution in not only big cities but small and medium size towns. He will share a framework for organized cooperation between academics, government, business, and community activists all genuinely determined to make life better through innovation and connectivity.
About Brad
Brad has more than 25 years of technical and leadership experience, serving in roles as CIO, COO and CMO for high-growth, technology-based companies. Brad understands the human side of technology, using his technical and business background to execute near-impossible scenarios and create new business models. He is a thought leader in many technologies and was named a WebRTC pioneer, an InformationWeek CIO top innovator and a top 50 CMO in telecom.
He holds a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Rice University and a MBA from Southern Methodist University. When he is not working, Bush enjoys playing music and traveling with his family.